Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hyperledger Fabric Certificate Authority( CA) Operations


  • Initialize and start the Fabric server.
  • Enroll an admin
  • Register an admin
  • Register a peer
  • Enroll a peer
  • Register a user
  • Enroll a user
  • Re-enroll a client
  • List the identities
  • Revoke a user
  • Generate a Certificate Revocation List
  • Verify crl.pem
  • Copy crl.pem file from the docker container to host

cd fabric-samples/first-network
vi docker-compose-ca.yaml

In the docker-compose-ca.yaml
Add this line to both ca0 and ca1 section after container name

container_name: ca_peerOrg1

container_name: ca_peerOrg2

 Start the CA container.

cd fabric-samples/first-network
./ -a -o etcdraft
docker exec -it ca_peerOrg1 bash

Please make sure that you run these commands in a single line or put a line break \ in case you are using multiple lines

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