- An Ubuntu 16 virtual machine
- Basic understanding of Linux commands
- Login to your Ubuntu machine. Please use a NON-ROOT user to login. If you don't have a Non-Root user, please create one.
- sudo adduser <username>
- Open a new terminal by pressing CTRL + ALT + T
- Run the following commands one by one.
- Logout from the terminal and open a new one using CTRL + ALT + T
- Run these commands in the terminal
Basic Troubleshooting:
Hyperledger: up: ERROR !!! FAILED to execute
Run the following commands to remove old docker container and images:
$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
This will remove all your containers
$ docker rmi -f $(docker image list -aq)
This will remove all your images
$ docker volume prune
Cryptogen not Found:
$ cd fabric-samples
$ curl -sSL | bash -s 1.0.5
$ cd fabric-samples/first-network
$ ./ -m generate
You will see a brief description as to what will occur, along with a yes/no command-line prompt. Respond with a y or hit the return key to execute the described action.
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